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Old December 14th, 2006
thelma_oo7 thelma_oo7 is offline
Join Date: December 11th, 2006
Posts: 3
thelma_oo7 is flying high
Thumbs down what does this mean???

I was trying to get auld lang syne and when I tried to play it from LW my WMP came up saying licens aquisition and wants me to "click here" to see britney spears get spanked and join seekmo . There are explicid pics on the seekmo pop up box and it sais licens aquisition on the top. If I cancell can I still play my file? or will it cancell the licens aquisition. I don't want to do anything wrong as I live in the booneys and only can get dialup, it takes FOREVER to download. NE one know what this is and why its doing it??
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