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Old December 14th, 2006
kirbycolet kirbycolet is offline
Join Date: December 14th, 2006
Posts: 2
kirbycolet is flying high
Unhappy I can't download anything!!

Please help me someone...I have never used limewire before. But I thought it would be something fun. I downloaded the free version from and I've had it for a couple of days. I have uploaded 12 songs that I already had on my computer with no problem. However, I have tried I know 50 songs to download (not all at the same time) and each one will say..connecting....then go to user busy...then go to needing more never fails I will always see these. Is there something causing this becuase I'm not gonna use limewire if I can't really use it ya know? I really hope someone can help me fix my problem...thanks!
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