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Old December 15th, 2006
jayb7700 jayb7700 is offline
Join Date: November 4th, 2006
Posts: 6
jayb7700 is flying high
Default upload/download oddity

About 3 weeks ago I posted regarding the problem of people trying to download from me and always having their downloads marked as "transfer Interrupted" in the monitor window. (I later removed the post as it really seemed to be an issue that couldn't be resolved.)
Also the number of people trying to download from me had drastically dropped in number. In fact, no people ever showed in the que. I also had problems with getting files downloaded for myself. I was virtually at my wits ends and tried every conceivable cure.
After trying everything even going as far reinstalling Limewire, Java, firewall, antivirus and then even as going as far as getting a new hard drive and repeating the process, I still had the same problems. I really gave up but continued running Limewire.
To make a long story longer ... this morning at 4:00 AM my connection to the internet stopped. I was thinking my payment to Comcast had been way tardy but in about an hour my conection to the internet came back on and all of the problems I'd been encountering were gone. One of the weird things about this was that I had been assigned a new ISP number. I haven't spoken with Comcast about what happened or why I was given a new ISP number, but I will just satisfy my own curiousity. Whatever the reason, it sure solved a lot of brain damage albeit about 3 weeks late.
I guess my point is, when problems arise with the functioning of Limewire, there can be a multitude of contributing factors that can't readily be identified let alone solved. I appreciate all of your suggestions and of course I tried them all, but apparently it had more to do with Comcast than anything else considering the cure came with the interruption of my internet service and subsequent reassignement of a new ISP number. Very weird.
Thanks everyone,
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