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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 15th, 2006
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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Join Date: April 20th, 2005
Posts: 3,279
Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

When you say isp number this is actually IP address, and many peoples' including mine change every very regularly and often! So the fact you have been given a new IP address is nothing unusual.

Looking at your upload problems, it might be worth checking your connections tab in Limewire (If the option is greyed out go to View>hide/show, and select connections) If you are connecting as an ultrapeer, dissable Ultrapeer capabilities in Tools>options>speed. This should not be necessary if you have a very fast connection, but see if it makes a difference.
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