Originally Posted by ukbobboy01 Yes, you can install Win XP Pro on a laptop but, personally, I think the Thinkpad has had it's day.
UK Bob |
Thanks 4 you're help ukbobboy01
Told them not to buy the thinkpad, spend only $200-$300 more max. and get them selfs an up to date laptop that will do anything they want..
Only want to email and catch up with a few family and friends on MSN but are using the latest wireless card, fast - with average download speeds of 550Kbps to 1.5Mbps, and a peak network downlink speed of 3.6 Mbps!..
The fastest thing is the wireless card!!
The old thinkpad is a pentium 3 600mhz, 20gb hard drive and a whole 128mbs of ram.. A laptop with a Cpu about 1.5ghz would be better.
Any way they are continuing their travels around Australia and I did my bit, thanks Mark...