Is your OSX firewall enabled or disabled? I only occasionally run mine. If it's enabled then make sure it's been set up to allow LW full access; see
OSX Firewall settings for Tiger
I see you have the infamous Linksys WRT54G. Don't get me wrong, Linksys make very good devices, but the models with 54 & especially the WRT54G are almost lemons; this model has a firmware problem. It doesn't run reliably in UPnP mode & is best port forwarded. The other option is to use a crack to fix the firmware. See
Linksys WRT54G - Fixed my problem, Followed these steps and it works! for a solution! But you do it at your own risk.
For port forwarding the WRT54G, there's 3 steps:
1. 1st you need to set up a static ip.
2. Then forward a port.
3. Then set LW settings for port forward mode.
1. Static ip for OSX, see these links to get an idea: BTW Domain box can be left empty, it's not important. If used should relate to your local ISP. Sample (i):
Static ip for OSX (1),
____ (ii)
Static ip for OSX (2),
____ (iii)
Setting up static ip (linksys),
See step 3 in this link about setting up static ip on OSX - Linksys support.
2. Port forwarding step: Some
Linksys port forwarding instructions. Those are examples. You
only need to forward port
6346 for both UDP & TCP.
3. Within LW:
Manual port forward instructions & sample image