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Old December 18th, 2006
tqd7mb tqd7mb is offline
Join Date: December 18th, 2006
Posts: 3
tqd7mb is flying high
Cool Constant wireless router losing connection

Can someone offer some advise, I have a netgear wgt624 wireless router with multiple home computers on it. I have the pro 4.13 beta. My problem is the connection may last for 15-30 minutes with downloading of 300kbs. It suddenly disconnects and I cant repair the wireless device. I have to reset the router? I have no WEP or WAP enabled and I read somewhere a peer to peer needs to be authenticated. I have a new HP media center? I also tried port forwarding but I get a 11643 port listed under limewire not a 6346 port as I read on other posts. Any suggestions??????? TQ
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