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Old December 20th, 2006
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newbee2 newbee2 is offline
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Location: A long way from where I started
Posts: 315
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Hi, semi-update, found that spywareblaster(Free) had made a connection to a dialer site ! on install(Wasn't happy with that !!)have since dumped it and bought spysweeper, also found a partially downloaded movie file that wasn't what it said on the can! had to use a bulldozer to extract that one! (18- Lost in miami) if i'm allowed to say, avoid like the plague!! Since i removed both, my '' Browse '' function has returned to normal..... HOORAY
System still using a lot of memory though???? await hijackthis logfiles report with interest !! also suspect browser settings were changed, have reset. FORUM still Flashing and jumping tho???
Have a great Christmas one and all, and thanks hobo !
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