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Old December 24th, 2006
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6_pac 6_pac is offline
Psst...over here!
Join Date: April 5th, 2005
Location: Lookin for you
Posts: 3,227
6_pac is a glorious beacon of light

Glad you got you problem sorted. i had thought about the prefs folder but wasn't sure how that applied to macs.

Sounds like your having an exciting christmas . Mine will me more subdued. Open presents, eat, put stuff together, eat, lay on the couch and fall asleep watching football(american football).

You are a woman of many talents and your hubby is lucky to have you. I can only imagine what NewYears must be like lol.

My Steelers are playing so I'm gonna go watch them, even though their chances of making the playoffs is very slim.

Take care and Happy Holidays .
If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!
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