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Old December 25th, 2006
crawlinyj crawlinyj is offline
Join Date: December 25th, 2006
Posts: 2
crawlinyj is flying high
Default can't download/awaiting sources

I looked at the FAQ page and it didn't help...I can't download anything. It will just say need more sources when I try to download. I've been using Limewire for a long time, and this problem has appeared only a couple weeks ago. I downloaded the latest software (4.12.6 or whatever it is) and it still won't download. Any suggestions?
-Win XP
-McAfee Firewall-Limewire Hasn't detected the firewall (no brick wall)
-Cable Modem w/ D-Link Router from home
-ISP is Verizon
-Tried the loading the test page, I got a message saying "IE cannont display the page at this time"
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