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Old December 28th, 2006
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LuckyJim LuckyJim is offline
Nice But Dim
Join Date: December 28th, 2006
Location: Suffolk, England.
Posts: 34
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I have followed your instructions and am pleased to report that everything is (at the time of writing) running smoothly but the whole process has thrown up some anomalies.

Firstly (and just for your future reference) the Portforward instructions do refer to UDP as well as TCP (but neither the syntax nor the layout are clear) they immediately follow those for TCP.

However, they suggest you enter the two data sets at the same time rather than entering the TCP data, acknowledging that and then repeating the process for UDP.

Anyway, I have noticed that I have lost the brick wall indicating the presence of a firewall: I know you wouldn't have directed me to expose a port to the perils of the web so what has happened?

Does LW block this port itself and if so what happens when it's shut-down?

With regards to my IP address, now that it is static I am curious as why (for example) appears to be displaying my previous address! Is there a conclusive test I can run?

Finally, there appears to be a problem with the 6346 test page! Have a look at this from October

It's the same for me as for 'Only A Hobo': I cannot get a succesful test result unless I delete the ':6346' suffix, so I'm wondering if the whole process was required (I have since discovered the router is UPnP)! Who can check this out?

Thanks again for all your help: even if it was an unneccesary excercise it wasn't futile as I have learned plenty today!

Best regards.

Last edited by LuckyJim; December 28th, 2006 at 12:31 PM.
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