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Old December 28th, 2006
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LuckyJim LuckyJim is offline
Nice But Dim
Join Date: December 28th, 2006
Location: Suffolk, England.
Posts: 34
LuckyJim is flying high
Lightbulb Much obliged...

...for the tips!

Thanks to Murasame's directions and some tinkering at PC Pitstop my connection has gone from 1,071kbs d/l, 225kbs u/l & 122ms latency to 1,942, 246 & 65!

It's even more impressive when you consider that these figures now equal more than 85% & 91% of my rated capacity (even bearing in mind the normal fluctuations in speed throughout the day).

Two points though:
  • the browser test for port 6346 is not currently reliable: the test is only successful if the suffix is dropped. Please see the two following links where I first learned of an earlier occurence and then where Lord Of The Rings kindly volunteered to report the problem.

  • the second thread was less useful: the original poster has made some interesting points but another member takes an opposite view. As they are both very, technically competent their discussion rapidly became too esoteric for me (and most other users I would think).

So let that be a lesson to all you youngsters out there: don't just dive in and start posting garbled questions into inappropriate fora expecting a bespoke solution; do search the fora for related postings and then read them!

That way when you do need to ask for help, the poor "Limey's" on here won't be going over the same ground. Have a look at the first page of the first link posted by Muhctekdano and note the date and the bits/bytes confusion towards the bottom of the page.

Now go to the last page.

That's right: more than two years to go around in a big, fat circle! It's no wonder Murasame doesn't post anymore.

Anyway, I have to go now: I'm off for some EXTREEEEEEEEEEME downloading!
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