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Old December 31st, 2006
jammer99 jammer99 is offline
Join Date: December 30th, 2006
Posts: 2
jammer99 is flying high
Default Satellite modem no connection

OS:XP Home
Trying LW 4.12.6

I have Skyway Internet which is dial-up out and Sat in. Work's wonderful for normal app's. P2P is a different story. I've been fed bit's & piece's from this " Bible Belt " firm about how to hook up to LW but no solid support for the last few weeks. Have tried and checks OK. Disabled Window's Firewall, uninstalled all other's but am FW'd by the modem. Have Netgear MR814 V2 as a get around for SW-10 modem FW but still no luck. Anybody with some advice on this issue ?
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