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Old January 7th, 2007
Ed91 Ed91 is offline
Join Date: June 17th, 2006
Location: Oxford, England
Posts: 30
Ed91 is flying high
Default Freeze on startup

Ok, I've been putting up with this one for a while, but I've finally got bored of no access to Limewire whenever I like. I'm using the new beta 4.13, though I was encountering this problem on the current release (I installed the beta hoping the issue may be fixed). It seems to be an intermittent issue, as sometimes Limewire runs, and others I can't open it for a few hours, then it's fine again.

When I start Limewire, it freezes on the flash screen while "Loading user interface", and I'm left with a flash screen that changes to an image of whatever was last on top of it, which was amusing at first, but the novelty soon wore off.
To remove it I have to go into task manager and shut down Limewire.exe, which seems to still be running, just failing to load the interface.

After it crashes once on startup, I'm guaranteed the same situation repeating many times over and a wait of a random amount of time before Limewire will fire up again.

Any ideas, anyone?

XP SP2 - Java 1.5
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