1. It's a good idea to scan any file that you've downloaded with your AV before you open it.
2. I use iTunes (free) for organising my music. Other people will use different things...try a few until you find one that you like.
3. Browse host is really unreliable. You might be unable to browse someone, then try 5 minutes later & be able to browse that same host. There's really no way to tell whether someone's a freeloader (the limit within options doesn't really work too well, if at all!)
4. If you right click on the cloumn headers & make sure that 'Type' is ticked, you should see the file extensions.
If you're new to LW, you should probably read a few of the stickies around the forum...just for some info & tips. Here are a few to start with
Fake files showing up in search results How to find music WARNING: Viruses on the network you should be aware of