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Old January 12th, 2007
jimbo-ice jimbo-ice is offline
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: January 7th, 2007
Posts: 100
jimbo-ice is flying high

ok guys, i tried to make a dialup thing so I can see if my modem is beat, I made one but I cant cconnect to it, but... the brickwall was just gone in front of the globe and i had 5 green bars, but it was downloading at dialup speed (i still have my cable modem hooked up because I couldnt connect to the internet because i didnt set my ddialup right) down by the clock, it said AOL-Not connected even though I was signed in, and when I was it seemed to fix the problem, but I loged out and in and now its not working agaain lol

Last edited by jimbo-ice; January 12th, 2007 at 07:46 AM.
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