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Old January 16th, 2007
rufuscodd rufuscodd is offline
Join Date: January 10th, 2007
Posts: 10
rufuscodd is flying high
Default Connection Fine...Connection Not!!!

Found out that my D link router is not very good with UPnP so went down the port forwarding route. Followed the instructions and way hay here we go. Brilliant, downloading like a M***** F****. Five green bars, no brick wall, was even getting 40 to 60 k speeds. ( dont know if thats good or not, was for me). Have had the PC on since then downloading day and night until... er indoors turned it off, now we're back to square one, one bar, brick wall no connecting. Tried port forwarding again numerous times and numerous different ports, nothing. Then i sussed out that Pipex use dynamic IP's so when the missus shut down it put a large spanner in my works.
Now im trying to assign a static IP but the last piece of information i need to do this is the address of the DNS that Pipex use. Called them, spoke to a bloke about what im trying to do, (he even told me that he has to do something similar for his Bit Torrent Client but knows nothing about Limewire).
Anyway the long and short of it is that Pipex use a Dynamic DNS and he couldnt give me anything to help me...

Does this mean that i am saying goodbye to Limewire as its clearly using up Hard Drive space at the moment like an ageing unwell dog..

Any thoughts you very technical people out there??
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