Hi Zouina
File size varies depending on the file format and song length. mp3 files are usually 3000 to 6000 kB (kilobytes).
A typical CD-R can hold 700 MB (megabytes), which is the same as 700,000 kB.
So, you can easily fit over 100 mp3s on one CD-R.
A data CD can contain any file type...mp3s, video files, pictures, etc. Some CD players will play mp3 files. Audio CDs contain a very specific file type that can be played on all CD players. Audio CDs can usually only hold 10-20 songs, depending on how long they are.
Once you copy your CD to your new computer, add that folder to your shared folders (
How to share folders) and then you will once again be able to see all of your songs in Limewire's library.
Hope this helps