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  #39 (permalink)  
Old January 18th, 2007
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Originally Posted by lucidardor
downloading and sharing music files...THAT'S ALSO ILLEGAL! So do you not also deserve the viruses?
Exactly which country are you refering to that downlding & sharing of music files is illegal? Not all countries have the same copyright laws. In fact many are very different. So to make your point & intending it universally is incorrect, unless of course you actually work for MIAA or related sponsored groups.

The spreading of viruses is illegal in most countries around the world. Even in the USA! Yet the sponsored groups of the MIAA, etc. do this. So which is the more severe here? The spreading of viruses or sharing a few music files. Such viruses have affected businesses & cost them large sums in money for loss of revenue, not just the home users. So basically the MIAA & related groups are the "Terrorists" of the internet.
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