In the mean time use Lindows! It's here and microsoft is crapping it's pants!
In a typical gnutella situation, if you had a girlfriend (that's a big if, hee hee) that serves you or uses a client and had a choice to use her port or her slot, which would you pick? Would her slot be more likely open or her port? and isn't each slot taking up a port? so a slot is a port in reality? don't both work about the same? can't you simply upload to both? maybe a little to each one? Could she be just a upload slut? or would you say she's a slot slut when she takes up all the ports?
(not directed at any one person here, but if you feel it applies that's your problem)
Originally posted by cultiv8r Lotsa tweaking to go first, then a public beta will be posted - most likely this spring. Reason for taking so long? I want to ensure it works :-) |