Thread: Video question
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Old January 24th, 2007
RuRu125 RuRu125 is offline
Join Date: January 24th, 2007
Posts: 2
RuRu125 is flying high
Default Video question

Hey, im in need of assistance....
I wanted to download some movies for my video i-pod *coming soon* so i did (duh..). I downloaded ****** and *******. Even though im using the free ones, its not TOO bad because i bought those DVDs. My vomputer doesnt have a DVD drive so i cant import them that way. I found some videos but a lot of them wont work. I downloaded VLC media player and it worked but now i have a bigger problem.
How do i import them onto I-Tunes? This is what i did so far...
-Drag them onto desk top and put them in a folder
-Somehow i made it so that i can view it on media player
-I try to import them on i-tunes but nothing happens

Does it have to do with the file type? mpg files work fine but **** is in avi (i dont know what that is). Is there anyway to convert them so i can out them on i-tunes?

Thanks in advance.


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Last edited by birdy; January 24th, 2007 at 02:09 PM.
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