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Old February 11th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Exclamation Limewire shop screws up internet explorer

I don't know how many people have noticed this, but the installation of spywear (deceptive!) messed up my IE v6. In fact, I know of other people who have noticed this problem as well, and they just happen to use limewire too. Since we are not running limewire when this happens, it was a bit frustrating to figure out what was causing this.

The problem: ANYTIME I browse or click a link for products with IE(limewire is closed) I'm immediately brought to the main website page. For example, If I click on a amazon product link, from say, a google search, I go directly to the main amazon page. It's not just amazon, but many other shopping websites I frequently visit. Me and my friends all use XP.

Other limewire users have been FAR more helpful than the official site, which convienently lacks important information. But what has made my experience even more depressing, is the behavior of some, but not ALL, of the volunteer moderators. I'm amazed as to how many openly hostile, defensive, insensitive AND argumentative posts have been made are over legitimate (albeit, angry) questions. Yes, moderators may not be paid, but in customer service, YOU represent the company. Its just re-enforcing my growing belief that limewire does not know how to be professional.

I am not a troll, I'm simply providing my experiences as open knowledge. If companies didn't receive honest feedback, they would have a rather difficult time improving. If limewire cares why they are losing me as a customer (which I doubt) I'm at least letting them know why. You may not like what I have to say, but its beneficial, and its honest.

I have removed all parts of limewire from my system, and I have reinstalled IE. I do not trust the quality of this product, as I have experienced enough problems, and I'm not going to compromise my system's security any longer.

The reason why this is so long is because I'm very dissapointed, and I feel betrayed. I have been using limewire for about a year and a half, and I have always trusted this software. I have told everyone I know for all these months that limewire is the best P2P. Up to recently I was felt guilty for using this service for free, and was thinking of upgrading to pro. Instead I walk away with this valuable lesson: you get what you pay for....and more.

Perhaps I should thank limewire, for this has resulted in my awareness and education of spyware. I'll be sure to stay away from it from now on.

Just one humble opinion.

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