official Limewire Communications warning msg. I just upgraded to 4.12.8 and . . .
I hate to whine — okay, I know… if I really hated it, I wouldn't post this, right? — but what gives with the ugly orange¹ warning banner at the top of search results tabbed windows? I mean, it's not that I don't appreciate getting the warning, but why keep this banner up on what seems like a permanent basis? Or might I get lucky and discover that after awhile, this banner msg. times out and I won't have to look at it any more?
It just seems like an eyesoar to me, and it unnecessarily takes up screen realestate.
I suspect this is a stupid question, but . . . is there any way to get rid of this banner, short of regressing to 4.12.6?
1. orange when using the Limewire Theme skin
Last edited by thricipio; January 26th, 2007 at 03:54 PM.