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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 12th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I am trying to understand this, please read the comments below and it would help if you commented your code a little more in this section.

        if(m_pDoc->ModeVersion6 || m_pPrefs->m_NetworkModel == NETWORK_PRIVATE)

// so m_pDoc->ModeNetwork is "GNUTELLA" or your
// private name "GUERILLA"?

                Handshake =  m_pDoc->ModeNetwork + " CONNECT/0.6\r\n";
                Handshake += "User-Agent: Gnucleus " + GnuVersion + "\r\n";

// why do people have to download a special version
// for LAN use when this seems to be a option
// in a prefs file?

// So the header for my campus would be say:
// LAN: NYcampus

                if(m_pPrefs->m_NetworkModel == NETWORK_PRIVATE && m_pPrefs->m_Lan)
                        Handshake += "LAN: " + m_pPrefs->m_LanName + "\r\n";

                //Handshake += "X-Ultrapeer: true\r\n";

                Handshake += "\r\n";

// and here is where you look for a LAN name
// that matches yours

    // Connect string, GNUTELLA CONNECT/0.6\r\n
                        if(Handshake.Find(NetworkName + " CONNECT/") != -1)
                                if(m_pPrefs->m_NetworkModel == NETWORK_PRIVATE && m_pPrefs->m_Lan)
                                        if(Handshake.Find("LAN: " + m_pPrefs->m_LanName + "\r\n") == -1)
                                                return false;

                                Send_ConnectOK(true, false, Guerilla);

                                return true;

// So who decides on the LAN name?
// What if there are two names? club beta and club alpha want their own!
// how do you kick start this?
// how do others find the network? port scans?

// The campus LAN can't use IP's that are for "outside"
// internet connections, so my question still stands
// as to what IP blocks a campus generally uses

// how do you prevent this from accessing the outside internet?

// This GURELLA thing, is your admin actually looking
// at each packet as it goes by and filtering it if
// it says GNUTELLA ? What a jerk!

// cant he just look for your little LAN: header and shut you down in a minute?

// did you try to go talk to the guy about all this?
// didn't you pay for the network with your fees?
// is there a problem actually using it?
// is it 100mbs?
// what about "after hours"? what would be wrong with that?
// anyone interested in a private wireless network there?
// could the admins screw that up too?
// where does school property end and your private life begin?

// why don't you make a program that watches for his name
// on the network, then quickly blasts
// the ethernet with crap for 50 us to cause
// a collision every time he tries to send / get
// mail. The guy is a jerk.

// you didn't say what type of LAN cable you get there.

// did the_gdf agree on the header format for "LAN:"?
// have you posted to the_gdf your specs for chat so they can be compatible?

// so can you please read my first message and answer some of the
// questions? I am trying to learn more about
// campus LANs

// please comment this stuff so people know what you are doing
// the below is some author private way of doing things
// right?
// I don't know why you can't do this in a prefs file so others can do this too
// (with a different name of course)
                NetworkName = "GUERILLA";

// where do people post patches and do/have you accepted them in the past?
// how do you create a patch that everyone can use?
someone somewhere mentioned that gnucleus was doing this campus LAN thing way before others, but now someone took credit like they did it. It mentioned "mapping" or something like that, I didn't understand what it meant.
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