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Old January 27th, 2007
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vicarious vicarious is offline
lime 4.18.8 is king!
Join Date: December 13th, 2006
Location: So. Cal.
Posts: 147
vicarious is flying high

Originally Posted by mstfyd
I connected after awhile (if you are considering a laptop w/ 40GB hard drive, forget the price unless you are willing to consider immediately upgrading memory or the purchase of a larger capacity hard drive. Right now I'm in limbo cause external drives are cheap, but in a month or 2 I may be getting a gift of 4x hard drive space, so for now, much of my stuff is on disk*)

*repeatedly. I get almost to the point where windows system restore says there's too little disk space to create a restore point, & quits. So most of my media gets shuffled off to disk. Then i want to reload, & it gets reburned, the low disk space warning comes up & I reburn it all to new disks & still can't find all the multiple copies of stuff. OK, enough of angst unless I put it to a really funky blues riff.

Moral of the story: hard drive disk space is good. In this instance, guys are right; size does matter.

So, hours later, I'm up @ the machine & find many entries for the same file. All have the chat icon w/ frowny faces (but I try the chat mode anyway cause I am really surprised that people want a relatively older file), but only one has a really weird "browse host". Everything is either an "intro" file, or something which is a part of some larger (not identifyable) program. It seems odd, having only numbered files, files with nothing to identify why anyone else might want to share them (work.txt, main.idx, blablabla.whatever-they weren't content-filled). The download was about 50% filled on the file they wanted, weren't open to chat so I couldn't ask what the heck was up w/ their selection (not an mp3, m-whatever, wma, w-whatever, no avi, no anything, so why would all of this be open to a browse host file?). But no chat connection, no content which looked like anyone was home, so i disconnected the person. = catholic guilt I might need an exorcism.

WTF is up w/ that kind of share? I had Limewire set to exclude freeloaders who didn't share at least 20 files, but a bunch of #### files, intro.whatever, & other innoculus files of small content w/out any kind of content identifier (looks like funny business) could occupy 20 files but still amount to nothing. This person (@ edited you illiterate fool) shared a bunch of small intro, but no files which actually seemed to be a part of anything. He/she/it didn't automatically get excluded on my Peer Guardian update (hey, I may not have signed on in awhile, but I'm not stupid.

If you don't have it, get Peer Guardian (

@ the very least, but if you are sharing intro to nothing & 20 nonsense files, it doesn't matter if you've gotten 52% of a file from me, you are gone. I never have queried people via chat b4 (except once when I was on dial up and had to leave) or ever browsed anyone else's files. This is the 1st time I checked & cancelled a download. When someone only has nothing (or part of something which can't be used without the whole) & blocked him/her self from a chatlink, I will cancel.

Hey, no one has that much of a lame content.

nice rant...
go put it in your blog....
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