Who knows what the reason is. It may be there are few real people using Limewire and the files you are trying to download is from Corporate sites that are deliberatly causing problems.
File sharing doesn't work like it used to when it was really great. Several years using Kazaa or Kazaa lite I could easily download and upload thousands of files. Now there are few files available to download and there are very few uploads.
I have 6000 files that can be uploaded, mostly nude and semi nude photos of pretty girls and old songs mostly songs from the 50s through the 90s. These are songs that may or may not be copyrighted, but are too old for the corporations to get upset over.
That said, I have very few uploads. I have the higher speed DSL, I have 20 open slots and 16 slots for any one user. My only restriction is that the user share 6 or more files.
My slots are never filled up and usually there are only zero to 2 uploads at a time. Therefore, the idea that you are waiting on busy hosts is nonsense. With so few people uploading, that should be extremely rare. |