I've got the same problem damien already posted but I use debian instead of ubuntu. The problem with installing LimeWire, however, is the same - debian does not recognize the rpm file type. Which package do I need to enable rpm unpacking under a debian distribution?
Thank you very much in advance for your help
y gath ddu
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Edit: I came across this thread via the LimeWire forum yesterday evening without seeing all other threads in here. Today I went through the threads on this gnutella forum and I think I know now what to do. I'll get the package Alien (if I understood correctly, it's working also for debian - unfortunately I can't check on the debian page because they disabled the site search *sighs*) Then I'll install the LimeWire.rpm with the command line mentioned above - it should work also for debian, its structure looks familiar
. If necessary I'll also install the Sun Java as mentioned in the thread on top of the list. With alien I should be able to install the rpm version of Sun Java with the detailed instruction in the other thread.
I hope I got everything right. If not, I'll ask for further support in the debian thread.
Greetings from cold Finland
y gath ddu