I got it too... Been keeping track of the various files found; winupdate, winupdates, MsUpdate, svchost, ms-update, winlogi, msmovies, maplom, wmplayer, and dropper.vb.lu.
I seem to have the svchost variant in my startup. This was not there before I had problems. Startup was empty. I also saw a post where svchost is a valid program, and not a virus.
So, is this a virus or not? Do I delete this or not??
Also, I seem to have no system32 file or folder, but I have 5 svchost.exe programs running. I found taskmgr in a folder called 16b2c96a0c41f4dfdb4d3cc28a4f819 located in C:windows/softwaredistribution/download