Being a leaf doesn't have anything to do with people not being able to download from you

Ultrapeers devote their bandwidth to handling search traffic. They have fast connections & aren't firewalled. Leafs devote their bandwidth to servicing uploads. If you're firewalled, you'll always connect as a leaf & even though you can download ok, others will have a hard time downloading from you!
If you want to look at getting rid of that firewall icon, start by making sure that you're only using 1 software firewall & that it's configured to allow LW. Check the sticky below for heaps of info. Read the parts about enabling UPnP & port forwarding...your modem/router could have an internal firewall.
Connection problems? Check here first!
If you're lost, tell us your details so that we can help more.
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BTW you can't usually find your own files in search results unless somebody else has downloaded them & is sharing them. Even then, it could take a while before you'll see them appear in a search.