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Old January 31st, 2007
dave133 dave133 is offline
Join Date: January 31st, 2007
Posts: 3
dave133 is flying high

ok i need some help..five days ago i downloadded a clip on LW of id say two young year old kids ingaging in sexual was labled as 16 year old soon as i realized that what i was doing was illegal i deleted it and it was never shared...i deleted it just minutes after it was done downloading...i also downloaded a couple videos that had names liek 16yo and 17yo...ect..but none of those where actual...well you know...i am 16 years old..i have a lot going for me, im not one of those weird kids i have a lot of freinds and i dont know im just freaking out. i am paranoid about the police coming to my house and taking my computer, finding something..even though i deleted limewire..and used history sweep to wash my hardrive..even though i know a lot of the stuff is recoverable. thats not even the poiint..i dont want the cops coming to my you guys think its going to seriously i freak out every time i see a police car in my neighboorhood..and how long till you think im in the clear and dont need to worry about this anymore. all i read on this forum is stories about guys accidently downloading one or two clips and getting sent to jail..i know i prolly wont go to jail but i dont want the cops coming to my house and embarrising me and my parents...any help?
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