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Old February 1st, 2007
svavavalkyr svavavalkyr is offline
Join Date: January 31st, 2007
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svavavalkyr is flying high
Default Tricks to Speed up downloads with 56K modem

Any tips or tricks for increasing download speed with my 56K dial up?
I have tried everything I can think of to get a faster connection, but DSL and broadband are not available at my house. I live in a mountainous lake are, and my neighborhood is on a peninsula, 3 miles off the highway at the end of a private community road. It's available just up on the hwy, but not down here, and I cant find any info leading me to believe it's even in the works....

I usually download at about 4-5 kbs, which as you know is unbearably slow. I usually just que up a bunch before I go to bed and wake up to 10-15 new songs....if Im lucky enough to find enough sources to not be shut down.

Someone told me there were some tricks to temporarily speed up my connection, like unplugging my modem and reconnecting, or some sort of program or device...Then someone else told me there was a way to turn my pc wireless with some kit.....( we CAN get wireless down here)

I just want to know if there is ANYTHING I can do....even if it's just a trick that gives my connection a short term boost...
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