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Old February 7th, 2007
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muhctekdano muhctekdano is offline
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First of all, you are posting in the Phex forum. This is different from Limewire.

Secondly, there is no Limewire 'site'. Limewire is a file-sharing program that allows people to connect directly to others' computers. Therefore, anything that is on their computers (including porn) can show up in search results.

There is no foolproof way to keep someone from downloading porn with Limewire. You can select 'Hide adult content' when you do can filter out words related to porn (How to filter porn & spam)...but all of this can be undone.

Therefore, the only way to be truly sure that Limewire is not being used to download pornography is to:

a) supervise closely
b) uninstall Limewire

Hope this helps
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