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Old February 10th, 2007
mykeel mykeel is offline
Join Date: February 5th, 2007
Posts: 6
mykeel is flying high

Hi birdy, wondering. Just don't seem to be having any luck. Following suggestion of L of the L deleted .limewire folder. Interesting, took me back thru the setup process again. Continuing with Actiontec instructions from you I got to port configuration part when connection to LW failed and I had to close out everything. Unplug/replug dsl, pain in the butt. The 'Listen on port' box would not let me change current setting of 51279 to match manual port forward #6346 but could type it in to the box below that and proceeded to type in ip addresses. Got an Actiontec congratulations window just as LW connection failed yet again. Apparently Basic Setup was sufficient. Port Range, Protocol, and IP Address box were already filled in so assumed everything worked except ability to change the 'listen on port' setting as mentioned above. Rebooted everything and LW got hung up on Locating Peers and disconnected. Also, when I open tools>options my listen on port # is 6346 and matches manual port forward. Was thinking I'm there without advanced setup. But it doesn't matter, it still wouldn't work. In fact I totally lost my internet connection from my computer. After several more reboots was unable to get online at all. Called Quest (my dsl provider) this AM and they had to reconnect me from there end and then I had to call my ISP to have them "push credentials" to modem on this user end. DSL is at its lowest setting and there is no fire wall. Had done a system restore at some point to get back behind all this bull*, downloaded 4226 patch again because I noted an error ID #4226 at time of disconnect and reset the limit to 1000 again. Also, uninstalled my Spyware just in case there was a conflict there. After all this my connection is still failing within one or two minutes. Feel like it has all been a waste of time and money and about ready to forget it. Wodering if I could purge all of it and system restore back to pre-purchase time. Start from scratch. LW would remember my login w/email address so could download again. Not sure it is worth it anymore. Getting burned out. Emails to LW two weeks ago have never been responded to. Don't want to be wasting everyone elses time but just don't know what to do.

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