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Old February 13th, 2007
shilo shilo is offline
Join Date: February 12th, 2007
Posts: 3
shilo is flying high

Here are a few more details
I have a Toshiba laptop 60 Gig with 30 gig of spare memory, 520 MB of memory. I am using Windows XP with Service Pack 2. Kerio firewall and AVG installed. I use broadband with Dynalink RTA 100 modem. ISP is Ozemail. I just work from home and have never connected to a network and do not share a connection with anyone. I did the Limewire 4.12.11 Test at the response was 'Your test worked!'.
I have used Limewire for about 6 months. No problems for the first 5 months. Recently I just get this message after an audio search. "Limewire is currently connected to the network. Your search may not return many results until you are fully connected to the network." Then no downloads or searech results appear. Any suggestions?
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