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Old February 13th, 2007
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Originally Posted by indianink
I am currently downloading from 10 hosts, and I can only pull 89 KPBS from them. To me that is very slow. I should be able to pull way more from 10 different sources, wouldn't you think??
No, this is quite normal...if you are sharing files, try this:

Look at the 'Monitor' tab. What speeds are you uploading files at? My guess is not more than 5 kB/s.

Why is this? My guess is that Limewire divides your bandwidth among your allocated upload slots. So, if you are downloading from 10 others with similar connections, you will not achieve >50 kB/s. Apparently a few of those 10 hosts have connections slightly better than yours, or perhaps they have only a few upload slots. I am guessing somewhat here, so take this with a grain of salt.

By the way, Limewire is the fastest program that I've found to download movies from. I use other programs very infrequently.

Good Luck
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