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Old February 13th, 2007
TiffanysWorld TiffanysWorld is offline
Join Date: February 12th, 2007
Posts: 7
TiffanysWorld is flying high

Well I have clicked on files to download with less than 10 or 15 resources and still nothing happens. After a period of time the status bar changes from connecting to need more resources. It never happened to me before and I have been using LW for sometime, then all of a sudden...nothing!

It isn't my firewall, connection speed, legal issues, or anything else that has been suggested here. I have the Pro version so it truly sucks to know that I paid for a service that is no longer activated. Wish I would have stuck with using the FREE version. Had I known about this kind of problem beforehand I would never had purchased it. Hindsight is definitely 20-20 and this sucks!
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