HEY THERE, Stief !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Long time no NADA !!!!!!!!!
Hope you and yours OK !!!
(Me gotta worry large about you multi-hullers !!!!!!!!!)
Yuppp... Kinda protective, as only dem Brits can do it... (albeit temporarily, as usual !)
BUT, the main point re: The Gowers Report is basic... I first posted these links in simple form to try to judge reaction...
NO SURPRISE that you are the only respondent to date !
For the rest of you gang... The Gowers Report is an 'officialy sanctioned' investigative report re: the impact, pertaining to the UK market (i.e. 'Industrial Base') of the pros & cons of ascribing to the corporate welfare system of support for the recording industry of the U.S.A. and its absurd and singular 'laws'...
'Bottom line', as they say in the
Peoples Kleptocracy of Dumphuqistan, is that the 'Recording Industry' in general is doing MORE than well enough, thank you, and that it would be contrary to the overall interests of the UK economy to follow suit.
Geddit ?
The report on the economic realities of the world-wide Recording Industry is most interesting...
This is not some dry and boring bit of word following dreary word...
Please, gang, READ IT ALL, OK !?!?
I mean, Her Majesty's Treasury is... ON OUR SIDE (sort of) !

...& that's about as weird as weird gets, hmmm ?
p.s. Maybe I have posted this in the wrong place... dunno...