I think I may have downloaded a virus but about a week ago I was downloading music and then in iTunes my music would start getting exclamation points saying that the file couldn't be found. I checked Limewire and the files are all 408kb in size and not reconized anymore as audio files but instead as programs.
So I deleted all of the files and uninstalled Limewire then I reinstalled it later. Just today I found that some of my files were not working and sure enough about 12 of them were all 408 kb so I cut out all the good files and saved them away and deleted the rest.
I found that in my shared files that I had a an untitled folder that was 0.0 kb in size that I was unable to delete.

Also while searching for answers I stumbled accross another person who had the same problem.
Does anyone know if this is a virus or if anyone has experienced this other than myself and this person?
Please help!