help for downloaded a Windows Media file that must have some protection on it. When I right click I don't get the option to rename or delete the file. I can't move the file to Recycle Bin or anything.
Ok this program can remove the issue, many questions I know will try to help, and this program is shareware trial it read DOS just like the old days, if you go to the run command form the start menu. Click on run and type command the box will come up. From there you can go to the directory which has the file you cannot delete, put you have to use dos commands like..... (change directory= cd) cd c:\the name...\....\.. If you have trouble use the above link to you the program that will open the directory without typing it all in you can use the mouse and click through it.
you can type in on the web and look for dos help,
the bottom line is that window can not delete the file because of a funny charactor like= *#thth.exe or t(funny charactor)ime.mpg once in dos you will see the charactor

hope this helps also to get out of the command run box type in
exit and hit the enter key .....