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Old February 25th, 2007
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The Gnutella Net was set up for everybody not just those with fast connection speeds. There are allot of people out there that are not as lucky as some of us and either can not afford, or have available to them the fast connection speeds.

Now a person that is on dial up lets say 56k modem can DL at around 8Kb/s and that is if they have there UL speed set to 1Kb/s and it will take them around 30 min to DL an average MP3 file. I hate to tell you this but I don't really care if they don't share at all while they are DLing as long as they share some of the time.

I usually leave LW running 24/7 UL at 45Kb/s at night and 35Kb/s during the time I am using the computer for other things. I very rarely DL anything other than when I am testing.

The reason I do this is because the Gnutella net and LimeWire was set up by unselfish people who just wanted the ability to share and transfer files with others.

Now if you want to tell me that I have to share a certain amount in order to use LimeWire I would just tell you to kiss my and quit sharing all together. That isn't what it is all about.

Anyway there are other apps out there that are set up like what you are talking about. If that is what you want then just use them.

LimeWire and the Gnutella net will survive without you. It has survived and thrived for a long time using it current format. And it keeps growing and most likely will continue to grow because it doesn't put restrictions on people. If you want something to fail just start putting restrictions and conditions on it.

I do not think you thought you suggestion through. You apparently thought about yourself and stooped there. Try thinking about the others out there that are not as lucky as you are.

If you go back to the early days of file sharing everybody had dial up. If you want to talk about sloooooow that was slow.

(It must be bed time I just spent 20 min righting an opinion in a thread that hasn't had any activity in almost 2 months)
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Later Grandpa
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