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Old February 25th, 2007
Jack's Mannequim Jack's Mannequim is offline
Join Date: February 25th, 2007
Posts: 2
Jack's Mannequim is flying high
Default Search failed or still searching ?

I just installed limewire basic, and it would be helpful if you guys with more knowledge could answer a quick question for me.

No matter what I do in terms of searching, the search goes on forever, with no failure messages (i.g. "no results found" ), so how can you tell when the search is over. The option for "stop search" is always available, so I'm guessing that it's still searching, but it goes on for hours. I even tried the "What's New ?" search for audio files, and still, no results come up.

This could be because I'm stuck on dial-up connection, but if any of you know what's causing this, please tell me, thank you.
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