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Old February 28th, 2007
janegb88 janegb88 is offline
Join Date: February 27th, 2007
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janegb88 is flying high
Default Yes it does happen.

Originally Posted by hookah

I have recently had the same problem as a few others here, downloading everything that shows up as search results, including ******* kp (searching for videos with the keyword "young" is a bad idea!! - I expected to get 18 year old variety stuff, not toddlers). Your comments are definitely making me feel better. I have been constantly scrubbing my hard drive since I found i had that **** downloaded.

I still fear that the feds are going to show up at my house and take my computer and inspect it and find something and give me some 5-10 sentence because I was "in possession." I have never been a paranoid person or even worried about the government watching me, but now I just feel like a dirty fugitive.

I really hope you are right, that if I did fall into some kp sting trap on gnutella that my deleting the files (I actually stopped most from finishing dl'ing) would exonerate me. I still hate this feeling. I didn't knowingly do anything wrong but this country could still put me in federal prison for several years if they so chose.

Furthermore, the post below by killians is ******* horrifying if it is true in its entirety. It is all I can think about right now. P2P porn is obviously not worth it with all the sick ****ers sharing kp.

Any updates, killian?
My son was arrested in VT while he was in college and we go to court Mar. 20th for the arraignment. He did as many of you have talked about-he typed in porn and got alot of downloads and just downloaded them all wihput checking to see what they were and many of them were mistitled. Somehow those doenloads got shared to Itunes and someone from his school got them and turned him in. He didn't even know what he had downloaded and they arrested him. He had never been in trouble in his life now he is being treated like a sexual predator and who know what will happen. His life may be ruined-Who is going to go after Limewire and these websites that are aloowing this to happen. I don't get it-We go after the drug kingpins but not the cp ones. The law is proscuting the kids that get caught up in the filth without even knowing what is happening. Something has to be done before many of you go to jail for innocently thinking you are searching for porn-Maybe it should go back to like it was in my day where Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler were the porn rescources.

Does that make sense that the files could be shared through ITunes without someone knowing?
Thanks for any comments.
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