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Old March 5th, 2007
stief stief is offline
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Hi Inkpete

Here are a few points:

LW, the company, doesn't control the content that users share. So, if you are looking for a particular class of content, Google will probably help you find a site that provides just the material you want. Sounds like using a wide-open P2P network is not the way to go for you.

Everyone wants a good internet: no group has yet come up with a definition that is agreeable to everyone, as Google and China know.

Re the "illegal" content that can be found--much of it is simply spam, or malware, with provocative titles. LW (the company) has helped train FBI agents in dealing with the really criminal content.

Nonetheless, you can filter results yourself. Just add the objectionable words to your options, in the Filter -> Keywords section.

So, with practise using the filters, you can try to see if you are able to limit the search results to show the part of the network that suits your tastes. Of course, the spammers will be trying to stay ahead of your filters and get you to click their junk, so it's a bit of a game. Like the email spam, however, it's not a fun game unless you can learn to so quickly ignore their junk that it's as if it isn't even there
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