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Old March 6th, 2007
Marcassin Marcassin is offline
Join Date: August 2nd, 2006
Location: La Rochelle, France
Posts: 35
Marcassin is flying high
Default Why aren't my own files listed in the search list?

I've been trying to download the latest episode of the TV series "*******".
Not only don't I get what I'm looking for but I get a list of fake files (pollution).
Still my question is this: why can't I see listed among them the episodes which I have in my computer for share with all Gnutella users?
For instance, I've just launched a research for "*****, season 2" and I get quite a number of titles from season 1 and 2, more or less valid but ,say, episodes from 16 to 18 do not appear when I have them.
Besides, I downloaded those episodes from Limewire. So why do they not still appear in the list?


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Last edited by Lord of the Rings; March 6th, 2007 at 08:12 AM.
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