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Old March 6th, 2007
Delbert Hinkfinkdinkler Delbert Hinkfinkdinkler is offline
Join Date: April 22nd, 2005
Posts: 8
Delbert Hinkfinkdinkler is flying high
Angry Wont search keywords typed!!!

Okay, I Have Beta 4.13.2 PRO installed and I have found a (I hope Small) Problem ... when I try to search for a movie (let's say "The Number 23"), or "The 2 of hearts" it removes the words "The" and "The Number(0-9)" From My Search only to leave the words "Number" or "of hearts" in the search fields this is VERY ANNOYING!! as it brings up SOOOOOOOOOO many different results than what I'm looking for. is there a solution to this yet? I've tried everything I know to stop it to no avail! any time I search with both numbers and letters in the search field it takes the numbers out when it searches. and if I type in The infront of anything it removes the word the when it searches!
Please fix this if this is a BETA thing or HELP if it's not!
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