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Old March 11th, 2007
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Originally Posted by theputz
I can relate to the junk {pranked" crap that comes up all the time with searches...and appreciate that info mentioned. However, I have a problem with my limewire pro getting all messed up- not at all like it was from me hitting too many options! I uninstalled it and then reinstalled it, but it is only in limewire, not Pro. I cant figure a way to get my PRO version back!! I tried to email them, but no email addy given, and when I try to log in to Limewire, it wont recognize ANY of my possible 4 email addresses! HELP please
It's probably because your 6 months are up...Did you keep the Pro installer at all ?? Pro is for 6 months of free updates and email support, once that time is up you can keep using your Pro for as long as you like, but you will not recieve any more updates or support....You can re-subscribe at a discounted price...

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