Hi Phoebus.
First! close L/W completly, then Go,
START/My Computer/local disc C:/ Documents & settings/Your User Name/Application Data
Now Delete the LimeWire Folder.
If you cant find Application Data Folder,GO to Tools/folder Opions,& tick,show hidden folders,
You can put the setting back afterwoods to protect your computer.
note: You will have to reset your, Tools/options in L/W Later. (Licence Warning) n things.
when you see a file in search you want
Right click/advanced/look up file with BITZI, if its not reported on leave it, till it is,
Now music, is not so easy,
The Newer they are, the more careful you must be.
The record companys are putting swarms of fakes on the network,
Take note of size, Songs less than 2000kb with 128kb bitrate must be less than two mins.
THINK!!, how long is the song Im looking for ?
so what size SHOULD it be,
If it dos'nt have a bitrate! LEAVE it,
Scan every File befor OPENING them
Dont D/L exe,rar,zip,or wma files. I am expert at using LimeWire & I dont touch them they are 99.9% viruses.
We only use these for testing antivirus programs.