OK by now I am a pro with LimeWire on everything except what I need to know. I've been everywhere, called everyone, asked different questions and searched in different ways on Google n00b style for the answer but to no avail. I'm sure you guys have seen this one before... It used to work for me just so you all know....
'LimeWire was unable to initialize and start. This is usually due to a firewall program blocking LimeWire's access to the internet or loopback connections on the local machine. Please allow LimeWire access to the internet and restart LimeWire'
I have:
Windoze XP Home SP1
Linksys Router (using the Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration utility)
From HP
AMD Athlon XP 2200+
1.80 GHz
224 RAM
Windows Firewall is off
Optimum Online
Trying to connect from Home
when I go to
http://www3.limewire.com:6346/ it says my test worked...
I tried to go to eTomi Pro and FrostWire but they didn't work either... I set up my router to add extra ports for LiumeWire starting on port 1 to port 7000, but it didn't do anything.
So yeah... Help Please!!!