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Old March 13th, 2007
Muu96 Muu96 is offline
Join Date: March 13th, 2007
Posts: 3
Muu96 is flying high
Question Can't find my music files, but it's still in Limewire

I recently got a new Dell w/ Windows Vista, and after I downloaded LimeWire, I thought it worked fine. IT searched as it usually did, and I could still download.

Now, however, when I tried to drag and drop the files into my iTunes library, it just does.. nothing. And when I search through the folder where it was supposedly saved, it's completely empty. I seached my entire computer, but they're not showing up anywhere, and yet they'll still play in limewire! Also, I have a Limewire folder in iTunes, and they'll play there, too, but I still can't find the source or how to get it onto my iTunes so I can put them into my iPod.

Ah, another thing, I also thought it might've had something to do with iTunes just not cooperating with my LW so I tried to move the files to a new music folder on my desktop. When I did, a message popped up saying that the files had been deleted from the folder LW had saved them in. How is that?

Is this a problem with Vista, or is my computer just messed up? Or is it limewire? Please help...
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