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Old March 14th, 2007
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Originally Posted by joefuf
Also just so you know, that message:

'LimeWire was unable to initialize and start. This is usually due to a firewall program blocking LimeWire's access to the internet or loopback connections on the local machine. Please allow LimeWire access to the internet and restart LimeWire'

Appears at the startup screen and closes the process so I don't even get in. Thus, I cannot edit options in Limewire.
It might be Java related. Try removing your current version of Java from the add/remove programs section and then download and install the latest version from here(Use the offline installer):

Then d/load and install limewire using the offline installer:

If still no joy, try deleting the LW preference folder, points 2 & 3 in this thread: Fixes for Limewire when LW isn't operating as it should! Deleting the pref folder will reset the LW options back to the default, so make a note of any changes you've made.

Let us know how you get on.
If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!
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